Project Lessons of 2024 by Alan Nicholson

It’s Friday, December 20; it is the quiet before the holiday storm for many of us.  I like to think we take a collective breath and spend a moment reflecting on the year. 

Last Christmas we predicted that 2024 would bring change, and change certainly came.  Elections, wars, shifting economies – the landscape has changed substantially in the last 12 months.  For good?  For bad?  A mixed in my opinion – war continues in Europe, but a long harsh and corrupt dictatorship has fallen.  The economy has stalled, but inflation was leashed. 

But in this moment, I also choose to focus on the collective good work.  This year, our industry has significantly increased the healthcare infrastructure in BC.  Deregulation continues to be worked on to expedite housing development, social housing initiatives are underway.  The commercial sector can fog a mirror for the first time in many years.  More pragmatism in education will result in better, and more efficient, schools for the future.

Yet collectively we still feel a sense of ‘meh’.  A disenchantment and a malaise that commonly accompanies economic lows.  I see it in the eyes of people in boardrooms and trailers across the province. 

I believe we should make 2025 a rally year.  As an industry we can reshore, recalibrate, and renew our efforts.  Despite the headwinds, we will find a way forward.  Charting this path is our challenge.  And it’s how you get back on the horse that counts.    

So join us in making it count.  Our values, our way of life, and bettering our community and our world… these are good things and worth struggling for. 

This year, we will rally and we will win.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all my friends and colleagues!

– Alan